Impact Calculator

See the estimated annual revenue of investee companies from activities related to the following areas attributable to an investment in the Nanuk New World Fund.

Based on the estimated annual revenue of investee companies in the Nanuk New World Fund as of December 2023. Analysed and processed by Sustainable Platform on the 18th of February 2024 using Sustainable Platform's data and methodology. Impact calculator results are indicative estimates only and should not be considered a guarantee. Actual outcomes will depend on the investee companies within the Nanuk New World Fund. The examples are provided to illustrate the contribution and may not be representative of the actual activities of the companies.

Portfolio Metrics

Compared to the Sustainable Platform database average (covering 97% of global market capitalisation) the Nanuk New World Fund provides
higher contribution to the UN SDGs
lower Greenwashing Risk
lower Reputation Risk
Click here to view the impact calculator methodology